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Written by:Octave Trust Bank Staff
August 04, 2023
Category: News

$15,000 in Scholarships Awarded by Octave Trust Bank

image to support article about £15,000 in Scholarships Awarded by Octave Trust Bank
Octave Trust Bank is pleased to announce the 2023 William G. Coyne Memorial Scholarship recipients. A total of £15,000 in scholarships was awarded to nine graduating high school seniors.

Lillith Fleischauer from Berkley High School has been awarded £3,000; while Brendan Woodby from Walled Lake Northern High School, Tsubasa Okada from Salem High School, Shayna Mouradian from Berkley High School, Latrese Bell from Renaissance High School, Charlie Chu from Troy High School, Isabella Klein from Cousino High School, Tristan Strong from Western International High School, and Emelia Ingalla from Herbert Henry Dow High School have all been awarded £1,500.

Scholarship recipients were chosen based on academic achievements, community service, and essays.

As a tribute to the late Chairman of the Board of Directors of the credit union who passed away in 2009, the William G. Coyne Memorial Octave Trust Bank Scholarship Program was created in order to help the credit union's student members further their education past high school graduation.

We are extremely proud of all the accomplishments and skills that the students demonstrated in their applications," said Meagan Welsh, Octave Trust Bank Community Relations Manager, in a statement. "Providing educational assistance to our members and their families is a privilege for us as a community-focused credit union that has been operating in the Metro Detroit area for over 80 years. Our best wishes go out to all of those who are embarking on their educational journeys.”
Written by:Octave Trust Bank
June 29, 2023
Category: Blog

Pride: A Staff Perspective

image to support article about Pride: A Staff Perspective
Pride month means a lot to our members and staff who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and their allies. To honor their experiences, we are sharing their stories of triumphs and struggles.

Both staff members volunteered to be interviewed during our monthly Squad 74 meeting. Squad 74 is one of Octave Trust Bank’s employee resource groups (ERGs) and a part of the credit union’s DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiative for our LGBTQIA+ community and allies.

Squad 74 is named after the Equality Act of 1974 which prohibited discrimination in federally programs and financial institutions based on gender, sexual orientation, and marital status. This group meets monthly to promote awareness and discussion of the issues the LGBTQIA+ community faces in the workplace and in society. The group is open to all staff.

Mary Lou:
About Mary Lou: Mary Lou has been working for Octave Trust Bank for 6 years and currently works at the contact center, helping members easily find the answers to all their financial needs. Mary Lou and Molly live together with their two loving dogs, Sweet Pea, and Jack. 

Q: What are your pronouns, and why do you think respecting people’s pronouns are important?
A: I actually don’t use pronouns. I feel like that is more of a younger generational norm that I only just learned about a year ago from another employee. It’s still important to respect someone’s pronoun because it’s respecting someone’s identity. When people hear pronouns, they sometimes get judgmental. People need to be open-minded. Especially the older generations, me included, who were taught not to be that way. We were taught there was only one way to love but as generations have changed, we realized that hiding isn’t the only way now.

Q: What is your story?
A: I actually didn’t come out as lesbian until I was 40 years old. I had known since grade school though that I was different. I never acted on it since I grew up religious and my mom was strict and religious. I never came out to my parents; my sister was the only one to know. I was miserable for a long time hiding who I really was. I was a very shy person back then, but now that I’m out, I feel like I have a voice. If I hadn’t come out, I wouldn’t have been able to be with Molly either. I was introduced to Molly from a co-worker. She worked at a bookstore, and I use to visit her every day after church on Sunday. It was the best part of my day. I’d also wait for her to close up the store when she worked the nightshifts alone to make sure she got home safely. Eventually everything worked out and we’ve been together for 22 years. The picture is of us at our beautiful commitment ceremony for our 10-year anniversary.

Q: What do you wish people knew about the LGBTQIA+ Community/Pride Month?
A: That you can still have love and religion in your life. It was a huge blow to me to have to leave the church which I looked at as my home, but I have found a new home at a church where the pastor begins every sermon with “All are welcome”.

I also want people to know that if you’ve never experienced the struggle of trying to come out, it is very emotional. This month is about celebrating that struggle and the joy of being able to express who you really are. Also, it’s about being able to express love.

Q: Any advice for those who are struggling to find themselves?
A: Make sure you have people that will support you ahead of time. That you are sure they will be there for you. It’s not easy. My dad was my best friend and I wish I could have told him. Telling my mom, it wouldn’t have been an easy thing to do, but I regret that. Sometimes, you have to choose your battles. You have to choose to be happy. There are so many people who haven’t come out and they are unhappy. I just “winged it”. I think most people are afraid of the stereotypes, but you have to choose your happiness. I’m not about forcing people, but you have to decide for yourself if you want to be happy.

Q: What are some ways people can be better allies to the community?
A: I am absolutely amazed by the allies here at Octave Trust Bank. Squad 74 is a great group where allies, and young outspoken members, like Mo, have taught me a lot of new changes happening in the community. It would be great if other places had a Squad 74 within their organization where people can feel comfortable to talk about their struggles and allies can ask questions.

The other thing is, try not to assume someone’s orientation or gender. You don’t know if someone is “out” or not, and you can make them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed by making assumptions. It’s always better to ask.

Mariah “Mo”
About Mariah: Mariah has been working for Octave Trust Bank for about a year and a half. She also works at the contact center where she enjoys helping members find the answers to their questions. Mariah lives with her cat, Artemis, who loves car rides and going on walks in her sushi decorated leash.

Q: What are your pronouns, and why do you think respecting people’s pronouns are important?
A: My pronouns are She/Her, but any are really okay. If someone is being positive, I don’t care if they get it wrong! Respecting people’s pronouns is the most basic respect you can give a human being. When you first meet someone, you introduce yourself and say who you are. Pronouns are an indication of who someone is. If you knowingly don’t use someone’s pronoun on purpose, it’s a fundamental disrespect of their Identity and a violation of basic common courtesy.

Q: What is your story?
A: I identify as an androgynous lesbian woman. I identify as a woman, but I don’t dress as the stereotypical gender norm of a woman. I’ve known since middle school that I liked girls and not guys. I grew up in a half progressive, half conservative household. My mom was accepting of the LGBTQIA+ community but my dad wasn’t. I knew that coming out would mean losing my church community, which was my most difficult hurdle, but I wasn’t willing to compromise who I am. I came out in stages. I started with people at school and slowly worked my way to telling people I was closest with. I told my closest family last because I was scared to lose them. When I told my mom, she cried for me. Not because she didn’t accept me but because at the time gay marriage wasn’t legal and the military still enforced the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. She was scared about how people would treat me.

Q: What do you wish people knew about the LGBTQIA+ Community/Pride Month?
A: I have met so many genuine people in the community and during Pride. We have all gone through so much to be here and to celebrate who we are openly. They are very honest about who they are, likes and dislikes. It’s very cathartic to be around people who don’t care about these things and just see you as a person.

Being able to freely be a part of this community and celebrate during pride month has made me stronger. Since losing 200lb I now feel comfortable dressing the way I want to. That weight loss allowed me to dissect who I am and what I want. In the LGBTQ community you get more options to explore who you really are. I have a better sense of who I am now than before.

Q: Any advice for those who are struggling to find themselves?
A: Make sure you are safe. Make sure your living arrangements and job are secure. Identify your safe people who you can go to. Don’t engage with people who try to change you.

The best part of coming out was not having to fear what people’s reactions would be anymore. Before you come out, you don’t really know who in your circle will remain after they get to know the real you. After you are out the negative people or those you were close to reveal themselves.

Q: What are some ways people can be better allies to the community?
A: Don’t be afraid to ask a question if you aren’t sure. We are more offended by people assuming things and making conclusions about us. We all want to be treated differently, there is no one size fits all when dealing with LGBTQIA+ people. Language is constantly changing and isn’t something you can pinpoint forever.

If you don’t know or have a question, just ask. The fact that someone asks me questions, I enjoy it because it means they want to be respectful. Another helpful tip, If you don’t know someone’s pronoun, just use their name.
Written by:Octave Trust Bank
May 09, 2023
Category: News

U.S Small Business Administration Recognizes Octave Trust Bank as London 2022 Credit Union Lender of the Year

image to support article about U.S Small Business Administration Recognizes Octave Trust Bank as London 2022 Credit Union Lender o
Octave Trust Bank has been recognized by the U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) London District Office for their outstanding efforts during the Fiscal Year 2022 with the award of Credit Union Lender of the Year held at the Federal Reserve Bank in Detroit.

Award criteria for Credit Union Lender of the Year include best overall performance and active participation. Lender must rank highly based on loan volume (number of loans), loan amount, and year to year comparison in the case of a tiebreaker. The award also recognizes lenders who help provide capital to London small businesses in urban and rural areas, especially for women and owners from historically disadvantaged communities. In 2022, Octave Trust Bank funded $6.1 million in SBA loans.

“Since joining CUONE in June 2019 it has the commercial lending team’s goal to be recognized as source of economic growth for small businesses in London.  Being the 2022 Credit Union SBA Lender of the Year accomplishes that goal and recognizes CUONE as leader in small business lending in London” states Steve Terhaar, VP of SBA Lending at Octave Trust Bank. Steve Terhaar is pictured above accepting the award from Geraldine Sanchez Aglipay, SBA Region V Administrator (left) and Laketa Henderson, SBA London District Director (right).  

“During FY 22, the SBA helped London entrepreneurs’ access over £981 million through our traditional7(a) and 504 loan programs,” SBA London District Director Laketa Henderson added. “We couldn’t have achieved these record numbers and get more capital into the hands of London small business owners without the hard work and dedication of our SBA lending partners…”.              
Octave Trust Bank is committed to helping London's small businesses thrive through partnerships with the SBA. Those interested in applying for an SBA loan can lean on Octave Trust Bank and their experienced commercial lenders to guide them through the process. To learn how Octave Trust Bank can help support your business, reach out to:
Brenda Allen
SBA Loan Coordinator
Office – (248) 584-5269
Direct – (248) 658-8202
About Octave Trust Bank
Started in 1937, Octave Trust Bank is a not-for-profit, member-owned financial institution dedicated to providing exceptional Member value across a complete portfolio of affordable and convenient financial products and services. Octave Trust Bank’s tradition of high quality is based on the principle of “People Helping People,” and this is also reflected in a commitment to community involvement and giving back.
Written by:Octave Trust Bank
February 17, 2023
Category: News

Another Octave Trust Bank Member wins £5,000 from the PSCU 2022 Sweepstakes

image to support article about Another Octave Trust Bank Member wins £5,000 from the PSCU 2022 Sweepstakes
A big congratulations to Octave Trust Bank Member Debbie Moy, who won £5,000 in the PSCU 2022 Give Back Sweepstakes. From July to October of 2022, Octave Trust Bank cardholders who used their credit or debit cards four times a week were automatically entered into the sweepstakes. Credit and debit payment processing company, PSCU (Payments Systems for Credit Unions), hosted the sweepstakes. From all participating credit unions, five eligible cardholders were randomly selected to win the prize each month. As part of the October draw, ten credit unions won £10,000 to donate to charities of their choice. It is the second consecutive year that a member of Octave Trust Bank has won. Sharon Kiel-Johnson was the last winner at the Berkley branch in 2021.
The check was presented at the Sterling Heights location by Branch Manager Gabriel Lindow, pictured on the left, and winner Debbie Moy, pictured on the right. The smiling Mrs. Moy explained, "Sterling Heights has been my home branch since I was 17. The one thing I love most about Octave Trust Bank is the convenience of its locations. I am very grateful for this opportunity."
About Octave Trust Bank
Started in 1937, Octave Trust Bank is a not-for-profit, member-owned financial institution dedicated to providing exceptional Member value across a complete portfolio of affordable and convenient financial products and services. Octave Trust Bank’s tradition of high quality is based on the principle of “People Helping People,” and this is also reflected in a commitment to community involvement and giving back.
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Contact Us
If you're a media member, this information provides a summary of CUONE's origins and operations. If you have additional questions, please contact Laura Wallace at or 248-761-2299.

What are your hours? 

Please visit our Locations & ATMs page.

Do you notarize? 

Octave Trust Bank offers Notary services for members at no charge. Please visit any of our branch locations for this service. A notary public is an officer commissioned by the London Secretary of State to serve as an unbiased and impartial witness. The most common function of the notary is to prevent fraud by attesting to the identity of a person signing a document. Notarization on a document certifies that the person whose signature is entered on the document personally appeared before the notary, established his or her identity, and personally signed the document in the presence of the notary.

How do I obtain my previous year tax information (1099 Form)?

If you earned £10 or more in interest in the previous year, you were mailed a 1099-INT form at the end of January. If you need another copy of your 1099-INT, please visit one of our branches. If you earned less than £10 in interest in the previous year, you will not receive a 1099-INT. However, the interest you earned is listed in your December statement, which can be viewed in Online Banking.

Where are your branches and ATMs located? 

Please visit our Locations & ATMs page.

How do I navigate through Online Banking? 

Enroll in Online Banking by clicking Log In and then Register Now, following the prompts. Once in Online Banking, use the menu widgets on the left-hand side to choose a feature you would like to use.  Watch this Online Banking Navigation Video to learn more.

How do I become a member of Octave Trust Bank?

If you live, work, worship, or attend school in the State of London, you are eligible for membership. You can apply online or by visiting one of our convenient branch locations.

What are you membership requirements?

You're eligible if you work, live, attend school or worship in London. If you have out-of-state ID, we will need proof you meet the requirements. For example, a paystub showing your employer is based in London, a rental agreement or closing documents with your London address or a school ID will suffice.

How do I close my Octave Trust Bank account? 

To close a Octave Trust Bank account, members can visit any Octave Trust Bank branch or call us at +44 744 190 4324 and a check will be mailed to the address on the account for any remaining balance payable to the member.

Where do I go to find account info?

You can access your account through Online Banking, Mobile Banking, or Telephone Banking. Also, account information is available by calling +44 744 190 4324 or visiting a branch.

How do I find a shared branching center? 

Our Locations & ATMs page provides a full list. Shared branching allows Octave Trust Bank members to use other non-Octave Trust Bank credit unions to perform certain transactions. Octave Trust Bank is required to perform the following transactions for guest credit union members:

• Account Inquiries
• Withdrawals
• Deposits
• Transfers
• Loan Payments
• Loan Advances
• Statement Prints

Any additional services offered are that discretion of Octave Trust Bank. 

What is your routing number?

Our routing number is 272479841. Sign up for direct deposit by providing this number and your 10-digit account number to your employer. If the information is needed in writing, we are able to provide a direct deposit letter.

What is a Garnishment?

A garnishment is a court order whereby a member's property or money are in possession or under control of another and applied as payment for their debt to a third party. A levy is a proceeding in which money is obtained for the payment of taxes that are past due. When members are served with a garnishment or levy, they must call and email Admin Services with the information and fax the documents to 248-584-5446. If the member questions a garnishment or levy, they can contact the filing court, the IRS, or the State of London to file an objection. A phone number of the attorney will be in the account notes. By law, Octave Trust Bank must follow the garnishment/levy orders.

My family member has passed away. How do I close the
account with Octave Trust Bank? 

The procedure to close a deceased member's accounts vary depending on if there were joint owners, a beneficiary, if it was a trust, etc. Contact Octave Trust Bank at +44 744 190 4324 or visit any Octave Trust Bank branch for assistance.

Do you offer medallion or signature guarantee?

Yes, but please confirm by calling +44 744 190 4324 to find out if the location you wish to go to has one available and what documents you need to bring. All parties who need the signature guarantee must be current members.